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7 Acquisition Priced, Nasdaq: SVNAU

Blank check company targeting environmental, business, and infrastructure products and services (liquidated).

Industry: SPAC

Latest Trade: $10.48 +0.34 (+3.4%)

First Day Return: +0.8%

Return from IPO: +1.4%

Industry: SPAC

We are a newly organized blank check company. While we may ultimately pursue a different acquisition opportunity, we currently intend to focus our partner selection efforts on companies that provide environmental, business and/or infrastructure products and services that will contribute to a more sustainable future consistent with today’s “ESG” principles. Our objective is the public listing of a company that combines attractive business fundamentals, sustainability-focused products and services and strong ESG policies and practices. We believe that consumers have developed a heightened awareness of how corporate actions and/or governance decisions can impact social issues within their communities and on a national and global scale. These factors have potential to transform our economy and influence which companies succeed. Our ESG commitment will focus not only on the impact of products and services, but on the business processes of the companies themselves, as we believe this is an area where increased consumer attention will have a significant impact on a business’s chance of success.
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IPO Data
IPO File Date 10/20/2021
Offer Price $10.00
Price Range $10.00 - $10.00
Offer Shares (mm) 20.0
Deal Size ($mm) $200
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
IPO Data
IPO Date 11/04/2021
Offer Price $10.00
Price Range $10.00 - $10.00
Offer Shares (mm) 20.0
Deal Size ($mm) $200
Lock-Up Date IPO Pro Only
Street Research IPO Pro Only
Goldman Sachs
Company Data
Headquarters Stamford, CT, United States
Founded 2021
Employees 4

7 Acquisition (SVNAU) Performance